SharesPost: Enabling Compliant US Secondary Market for Security Tokens

SharesPost announced enhancements to their platform, enabling a compliant access to trade “Digital Securities” or “Security Tokens”. The first security they plan to support is units of the Blockchain Capital fund. SharesPost is a marketplace for private growth companies and has done $4.5B in transactions since 2009. Those transactions have been for 250 companies, including …

More Equity-Linked Tokens

What does Estonia and Canada have in common? Both have regulator-engaged equity-linked token experiments. Unimpressed Reddit was not impressed when a Trustnode’s piece hit the top of r/Ethereum. The article reported on large cap, American, single issue stocks being linked to ERC-20 tokens by a firm in Estonia, DX.Exchange. While the majority of American investors …

Neufund: Equity-Linked Tokens & Supporting Platform

Similar to the fledgling on-chain lending markets and the debt-token ecosystem, on-chain equity-linked token solutions are seeing development, interest and capital flows. In 2018, 3000 investors registered on an early stage equity issuance platform named Neufund. They recently announced a partnership with Ledger. The platform (arms-length?) operator, Fifth Force, looks to compete with Polymath. Neufund …

Compound: Algorithm & Arbitrage Backed Money Markets

Dune Analytics analyzed the state of dApp adoption at the end of 2018. One of the apps they looked at is Compound. They shared that Compound had $8M USD worth of Dai supplied. As of today, there is a $16M worth of supply. Compound launched in September 2018. This kind of market, for crypto, is …