SharesPost: Enabling Compliant US Secondary Market for Security Tokens

SharesPost announced enhancements to their platform, enabling a compliant access to trade “Digital Securities” or “Security Tokens”. The first security they plan to support is units of the Blockchain Capital fund. SharesPost is a marketplace for private growth companies and has done $4.5B in transactions since 2009. Those transactions have been for 250 companies, including …

More Equity-Linked Tokens

What does Estonia and Canada have in common? Both have regulator-engaged equity-linked token experiments. Unimpressed Reddit was not impressed when a Trustnode’s piece hit the top of r/Ethereum. The article reported on large cap, American, single issue stocks being linked to ERC-20 tokens by a firm in Estonia, DX.Exchange. While the majority of American investors …

Neufund: Equity-Linked Tokens & Supporting Platform

Similar to the fledgling on-chain lending markets and the debt-token ecosystem, on-chain equity-linked token solutions are seeing development, interest and capital flows. In 2018, 3000 investors registered on an early stage equity issuance platform named Neufund. They recently announced a partnership with Ledger. The platform (arms-length?) operator, Fifth Force, looks to compete with Polymath. Neufund …