Quarter-Billion of Tokenized AAA Infrastructure Bonds Start Trading 2019Q3

Progress is being made by Bondsai, AiX and XinFin in the fixed-income space. By tokenizing infrastructure bonds, XinFin & AiX aim to bridge a gap in the market allowing them to provide direct liquidity access to global institutional investors for investments in critical physical infrastructure projects such as power, water, and transportation. The first issuance …

Jibrel & Al Hilal Bank make “Programmable Assets” starting with Sukuk Bonds

The Jibrel network, a company with a growing worldwide presence, announced a while ago it was working with Al Hilal Bank to put Shariah-Compliant bonds on a blockchain. Yesterday, they shared more about their development and vision to program Sukuk Bonds. It’s unclear, if they are using the Ethereum mainnet or even if they did …

Compound: Algorithm & Arbitrage Backed Money Markets

Dune Analytics analyzed the state of dApp adoption at the end of 2018. One of the apps they looked at is Compound. They shared that Compound had $8M USD worth of Dai supplied. As of today, there is a $16M worth of supply. Compound launched in September 2018. This kind of market, for crypto, is …