Quarter-Billion of Tokenized AAA Infrastructure Bonds Start Trading 2019Q3

Progress is being made by Bondsai, AiX and XinFin in the fixed-income space.

By tokenizing infrastructure bonds, XinFin & AiX aim to bridge a gap in the market allowing them to provide direct liquidity access to global institutional investors for investments in critical physical infrastructure projects such as power, water, and transportation. The first issuance of bonds will take place in the 3rd Quarter of 2019 and will consist of approximately $250-$400m of AAA rated, sovereign backed, post-risk infrastructure bonds from the books of the Development Banks and Government Treasuries.

Learn more about XinFin. It is a “Hybrid Blockchain” and lists 10 “dApps“, without mention of Bondsai/AiX. To get a “free eWallet“, an e-mail address was necessary and there was no way to export private keys from the interface. XinFin claims a private network can be launched via forks of Quorum and Geth, or Hyperledger and Corda or in a public fashion using a masternode architecture. The XinFin team was granted a regulatory sandbox license in Abu Dhabi in 2018.